I just wanted to let my readers know that my main website–diane-stephenson.com–where my posts here are redirected, was taken down. I am not sure when or why that happened, but I unfortunately did not have any of my posts backed up, so they are no longer available.

I used to type up my posts and save my files to my computer, but recently I lost all of my documents there, too, so what I might have been able to retrieve is no longer retrievable.

I will attempt to make an effort to post new material in the New Year. I have not really been writing for a while and know I need to get back at it.

I hope you all had a great and blessed Christmas. I wish you a very happy and prosperous New Year.

God bless you, and thank you for bearing with my lack of recent content.

18 thoughts on “I APOLOGIZE–AGAIN!

  1. Wow, I am so sorry you are having to go through that. If it had anything political we know why it was taken down. 🙂 But its good to know that you are well and will get back to writing again. I just finished writing another book and will be submitting it to my publisher after the first of the year. God bless you and may He bless you mightily in the new year.

    • Thanks for commenting Sue. You are really quick on the ball! 🙂 I just published it and there you were!

      Congratulations on your new book. I wish you every success. Unfortunately when I lost all my documents I had a number of new books in the works and all is lost. Some I can type up again. I think is at least a portion of one that I had printed off individual stories but I’m not sure if they are all there. But what can you do? I am just happy that I published my last two books just before this happened. Have a great New Year, Sue.

  2. Oh my heart just hurts for you in losing all those books. The first one I wrote I lost, but praise be to God a friend was able to recover it. I was even dumber than I am now with a computer and somehow deleted it. She called just when I was sitting and bawling my eyes out. I know the Lord must have nudged her right then to call me. Are you absolutely sure there’s no way to retrieve them? That is just heart breaking. Much success for the ones you have been able to publish and thank you for your kind words of congrats and success on the new one.

    • The really weird thing about this is that I copied all of my documents (twice) to an external hard drive AND to a flash drive, so I actually had 3 copies of every document. They all disappeared as well. As for the ones originally on my computer I deleted them purposely and emptied the recycle bin because I was almost out of storage space, hence the reason for saving them externally. I didn’t want my computer to crash. At least all of my downloads are still here, but in PDF form so I have to go through a few steps on a free online tool to make them editable if I need to make changes to any of my published books. And all of my photos are still there. I am so happy I didn’t delete any of them because that’s what I use for my covers.

  3. Well at least something has been saved. I didn’t know stuff would be deleted off a flash drive unless we personally delete it. My new book is on flash drive but I remove it when finished and I have it in my documents. That’s scary!

    • It is rather scary. I was shocked to discover anything could disappear from external devices. Well, I learned my lesson the hard way, but, now I am 78 years old, I doubt I will ever have that many documents on my computer again. That was an accumulation over years.

  4. You taught me a lesson. I went to my recycle bin and deleted it all. Your comment about it could cause the computer to crash scared me and I took action. lol So thank you for sharing, you may have saved me some heartache. Blessings to you in the new year.

    • Glad to help if I can. As for my website disappearing, that was the second time it happened. Several years ago I discovered I no longer had a website. So now I’m simply going to use this one. Blessings to you, too, for a wonderful and successful year ahead.

  5. Diane you can actually get an App that retrieves all ‘erased & deleted’ material in your computer as it’s still actually on your hard drive. I’m not sure what it’s called, you may have to speak to a computer tech to get the name of the App.
    Blessings, Jennifer

  6. I found your site because you liked a comment of mine on Mitch Teemly’s blog. I went back to your earlier writings and found some things we have in common. My wife and I were Watkins representatives many years ago; unsuccessfully though. There were other mlm ventures, none of which worked out largely because of my lack of commitment. Our daughter however has been remarkably successful with Stampin’ Up, a paper craft home-based business.
    God has been merciful and gracious to me all the days of my life. I invite you to read some of my posts, and I will look forward to reading yours after you get things sorted. Computers and the internet are wonderful tools, but how frustrating they are when they don’t work as we expect.

    • Thank you for visiting my blog, RW. I, too, was for the most part unsuccessful in MLM businesses. I did have a short period of “success” with Watkins, but when the father handed it over to the son, a lot changed and, for me at least, not for the better. I have been retired for over 13 years now and so glad I don’t have to do that sort of thing anymore. Yes, the Lord is good. I haven’t had much time to read extra blog lately, but I will try to read some of yours. Have a wonderful weekend.

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