I thought I would share, in sections, the prayer for covering from my book It Is Written: My Prayer Journey into the Heart of God which is still in progress. Each section is a unit in itself, so here is the first part: the covering of our minds. Our mind can be a very fertile place for dark things to brew, so we need to take care to keep our minds under the cover of the blood of Jesus to protect us from all that comes against us from the world and from our enemy so they can be filled with the things of God.

It is Written new front cover #11_page-0001 (1)

Tentative front cover design for It Is Written

So spread Your covering over me now, Lord, for You are my Redeemer 

Ruth 3:9

I claim the protecting power of the blood of Jesus over my mind and my thoughts. Father, I choose today to think only on those things which are true, good, lovely and pleasing to You—positive, faith-filled thoughts—thoughts originating in and producing only life. (see Philippians 4:8). Help me to keep my mind pure (see 2 Peter 3:1 KJV), to keep it focused on You so that I might live in Your perfect peace (see Isaiah 26:3). Holy Spirit, I pray that You would nudge me when my thoughts turn to unworthy things, when I begin to meditate on unprofitable subjects which disturb my peace, grieve You, and could open the door to the enemy. Help me to renew my mind today that I might not come into agreement with—or walk in the ways of—my own fleshly instincts, the lures of the devil, or of the ways of the world, but that I might be changed—like a butterfly as it is transformed from egg to larva to pupa to adult—so I might examine and yield to Your will for me, and learn what You consider to be good, acceptable and perfect (see Romans 12:2). Lord, I know it is written that Your thoughts are higher than my thoughts (see Isaiah 55:9), but it is also written that I have the mind of Christ (see 1 Corinthians 2:16) because He lives within me. Lord, I ask that Your mind would truly be operative in me today, that my thoughts would be those which come from Your heart. Let Your Word judge my thoughts, Lord (see Hebrews 4:12). Deal with any that do not line up with Your Word and with who You have declared me to be in Christ.

What we think about is a choice. Colossians 3:2 tells us to set our minds on things above, not on earthly things. But we do need, at least in the beginning, to train our minds to make the right choices of what to dwell on. It can become a lifestyle if we work at it. If it were not possible, the Lord would never have told us to do this. However, we need the help of the Holy Spirit often to get into this mindset. And without God’s covering, we will not reach this point in our spiritual life. To do this, we need to be consistently reading the word and be in meaningful prayer, prayer that not only puts forth our requests, but also allows the Lord time to speak to us.

The mind is the best place to start in seeking covering for specific parts of our life. We will also look at our eyes, ears, mouth, attitudes, motives and more. Watch for the next most important part, covering for our hearts.

I hope you have enjoyed this excerpt from It Is Written. Thank you for taking time to stop by. I would really appreciate it if you would leave a comment in the box below. I love to interact with you, my readers. I would also be glad if you would share your thoughts on my cover design. Would it draw you if you saw it on a shelf full of books? Do you find it appropriate for the type of book it is?

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Have a wonderful weekend. I pray God’s covering over your lives to protect you and keep you close to Him.

8 thoughts on “PRAYER OF COVERING

  1. I love your cover design.
    I agree with you on controlling what we think and how we react. Our presence here on earth is so much more then about material things. To me it is about loving each other and accepting each other as we are.
    God Bless You Diane.
    I love you,

    • Thank you so much, Nancy, for reading and commenting. Thanks for your opinion on my cover. That was number 11 in the recent series of designs I have done. I think there are a half dozen I did a long time ago, but this is the only one I really like. God bless you. Love you too.

  2. Pingback: PRAYER COVERING Part 2-The Heart | For the Joy of Writing

  3. Pingback: PRAYER OF COVERING Part 3-Ears and Eyes | For the Joy of Writing

  4. Pingback: PRAYER OF COVERING Part 4-The Mouth | For the Joy of Writing

  5. Pingback: STILL EDITING and WRITING | For the Joy of Writing

  6. I enjoyed reading this prayer this morning. I needed to see this. I need to spend more time with my pray life. I want to be more in my prays. when my life was upside down I had a powerful pray life. I want to find that again. Feel my prayers and know they are vfx getting to god. I enjoy every word. Blessing on you and pray success for your nook

    • Sorry to have taken so long to respond, but my computer crashed a couple of weeks ago and I just got it up and running a few days ago. I am so pleased that my prayer spoke to you. I pray that you will find a new, deeper and higher place in prayer and a closer relationship with Jesus. May the Lord bless you abundantly.

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